01-20-2011 12:48 PM
01-21-2011 03:49 AM
Is it possible to add own extensions in the activiti-bpmn-extensions-5.0.xsd? Or when is that allowed?The rule here is that when a new element is added in a certain release, you must create a newer xsd (ie activiti-bpmn-extensions-5.2.xsd).
Or do we have to work with the existing ones?
01-21-2011 04:29 AM
<callActivity id="callCheckCreditProcess" name="Check credit" calledElement="checkCreditProcess">
<activiti:dataInput name="x" expression="#{myVar.x}" />
<activiti:dataInput name="y" stringValue="test" />
<activiti:dataInput name="z" variable="z" />
01-21-2011 05:45 AM
01-21-2011 05:49 AM
01-21-2011 06:02 AM
<dataInput itemSubjectRef="tns:setToRequestItem" id="dataInputOfServiceTask" />
<outputSet />
01-21-2011 07:49 AM
01-21-2011 07:55 AM
01-21-2011 08:07 AM
01-22-2011 04:55 AM
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