03-20-2012 06:05 AM
03-20-2012 06:25 AM
03-20-2012 10:13 AM
If it requires any changes in activiti-engine I think chances for it to be included are very poor.It does not necessarily need to be included into the engine, but IMHO it would be the best place for something like this to
We are talking about the new Vaadin-based explorer, correct?Yes, but it does not have to be limited to that, if it is implemented in the IdentityService than any other software could
You should keep in mind that adding such features to that webapp does not have the *highest* priority for us.Thats why we would offer to implement those features.
03-20-2012 12:54 PM
03-20-2012 01:44 PM
If it is not something based on a standard (SAML2 being the only one coming to mind), I personally would not include it. But that would mean including something like http://forgerock.com/openam.html because you want to be realy useful.
03-20-2012 05:03 PM
03-22-2012 05:35 AM
I disagree. The usecase you describe where another application can request a token so the user does not need to login again is specifically one of the functionalities for saml, regardless of whether they are in a different entity or not. Getting a token from Activiti is like being an identity provider and the webapp and rest interface are both service providers.
If you develop something that is not usable outside the Activiti realm (pun intended) it is doomed from the start. but that is from my fairly broad experience. I might miss a usecase though
The usecase of tokens in emails should not result in an option to kind of be fully authenticated in an engine I think. At most it should allow you to complete one task. We have public tasks for this tat do not require autentication and the ask is 'assigned' to a hash that is in the email.
03-22-2012 07:38 PM
03-22-2012 07:47 PM
03-27-2012 04:10 AM
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