Hi Kevin,
Thanks..i was able to add additional properties in search result..
but i could not find the webscripts folder anywhere….im using alfresco-community-download-2.0.0
i modified the keyword-search-atom.ftl file in tomcat/../classes/alfresco/templates folder..
i found the opensearch.js file in tomcat\webapps\alfresco\scripts\ajax folder..but i could not see the changes modified by me in this file…can i modify this file ?
Where are the search properties defined..because i want to display the size of the file…
this is the part in the ftl file i modified..
<#list search.results as row>
<link rel="alternate" href="${absurl(row.url)}"/>
<icon>${absurl(row.icon16)}</icon> <#comment>TODO: What's the standard for entry icons?</#comment>
<summary>${row.properties.description!""} modified : ${xmldate(row.properties.modified)!""} Author : ${row.properties.author!""} User : ${row.properties.creator!""} </summary>
summary tag value is fetched in opensearch.js..
i tried to add these properties by seeing the content properties name in alfresco .. which were like creator,author,size,createddate,modifieddate…
but if i do the same with ${row.properties.size!""}..im not able to fetch the data…
where can i find these properties defined?
Thanks for the help
please help me out to customize this ftl…give me some more source for me to read and implement
thanks in advance,