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activiti-webapp-explorer2 build

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am trying build activiti-explorer and add my own custom maven dependencies(to keep custom Java Task classes in classpath). It seems activiti-explorer is a jar app, but the actual webapp is activiti-webapp-explorer2.  I am just curious how the binary(activiti-explorer.war) is generated as the actual POM of activiti-webapp-explorer2 doesn't have anything like

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The only thing activiti-webapp-explorer2 contains is the web.xml  and some configuration. Since the activiti-explorer is a dependency of the war, it's built into the WAR in the lib-folder.

The app itself is booted thanks to an entry in the web.xml that points to a spring-context file in the activiti-explorer… That's all there is to it Smiley Wink

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I guess my question is misunderstood Smiley Happy

My point is the context root here.  WAR you are distributing as part of binaries is named - activiti-explorer.war and on deployment takes the context root as /activiti-explorer  ( http://localhost:8080/activiti-explorer).

But the generated war(thro sources) has the name - activiti-webapp-explorer2.war and hence takes a different context root i,e /activiti-webapp-explorer2   ( http://localhost:8080/activiti-webapp-explorer2).  I have to add <code><finalName>activiti-explorer</finalName> </code>in the POM to get the desired context-root.

My question was how did you generate activiti-explorer.war , instead of   activiti-webapp-explorer2.war

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Oh, I see.. Smiley Wink This is done in out build.xml for creating the "distro":

<target name="copy.webapps">
  <mkdir dir="${target.distro.root}/wars" />
  <copy todir="${target.distro.root}/wars">
   <fileset dir="../modules/activiti-webapp-explorer2/target">
    <include name="activiti-webapp-explorer*.war" />
   <fileset dir="../modules/activiti-webapp-rest2/target">
    <include name="activiti-webapp-rest*.war" />
  <move file="${target.distro.root}/wars/activiti-webapp-explorer2-${activiti.version}.war" tofile="${target.distro.root}/wars/activiti-explorer.war"/>
  <move file="${target.distro.root}/wars/activiti-webapp-rest2-${activiti.version}.war" tofile="${target.distro.root}/wars/activiti-rest.war"/>

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
It's very useful for me. Thanks so much