04-04-2013 02:29 PM
04-05-2013 06:55 AM
Response Description
200 - Ok The operation was successful and a response has been returned (GET and PUT requests).
201 - Created The operation was successful and the entity has been created and is returned in the response-body (POST request).
204 - No content The operation was successful and entity has been deleted and therefor there is no response-body returned (DELETE request).
401 - Unauthorized The operation failed. The operation requires an Authentication header to be set. If this was present in the request, the supplied credentials are not valid or the user is not authorized to perform this operation.
404 - Not found The operation failed.The requested resource was not found.
405 - Method not allowed The operation failed. The used method is not allowed for this resource. Eg. trying to update (PUT) a deployment-resource will result in a 405 status.
409 - Conflict The operation failed. The operation causes an update of a resource that has been updated by another operation, which makes the update no longer valid.
500 - Internal server error The operation failed. An unexpected exception occured while executing the operation. The response-body contains details about the error.
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