Hi when i am changing activiti-rest default database to mysql i am getting 404 Not Found.But i am able to successfully change default database of activiti-explorer. My Steps: 1.I changed properties of db.properties(apache-tomcat-7.0.69/webapps/activiti-rest/WEB-INF/classes/db.properties) 2.Adding mysqlConnecter jar in apache-tomcat-7.0.69/webapps/activiti-rest/WEB-INF/lib. It is working for activiti-explorer but not working for activiti rest. Please help somebody
you should see errors in bootup when it can't connect to mysql. Do you see such errors? A 404 indicates that either your server is not up or you have the wrong url.
<a href="https://webhostinggeeks.com/tools/htaccessgenerator/">Apache server</a> is an open source software that helps in transferring data of from a website’s server to the users browser on a computer or a similar device. Most of the website owners like to use Apache because it comes free of cost, and it is easy to configure. Create a htaccess file to avoid redirect errors.