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Activiti Designer: Separation of Duty and Binding of Duty

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I created a process at Activiti Designer.
Now I want to test "Separation of Duty" and "Binding of Duty", but I have no idea where I can configure that.

Need help pls.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean. Can you elaborate?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Separation of duties is the concept of having more than one person required to complete a task.

Binding of Duty constraints define that the same subject (or role) who performed a certain task t1 must also perform
a corresponding bound task t2.

Is there a possibility to configure something like that at Activiti (Designer)?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

is the following description true?

In Activiti are 2 attributes that describe person/group that is responsible for the task. Both of them are set when task is being created and indicate, for each users it should be displayed.

activiti:assignee identifies single user that is assigned to the task.
activiti:candidateGroups identifies groups of users that claim the task.



Star Contributor
Star Contributor

That's right. And you can also define candidateUsers which are users that can claim the task.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

When I should apply "assignee" and when "candidateUsers".

To configure "Binding of Duty" I can apply "assignee" so the single user can execute all tasks. Or?

Can I define "Separation of Duty"?

Now I found a description –> page 40 <>

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have install "Activiti Designer" but under "Palette" ther is no "Security" and also no "BindingOfDuty" and "SeparationOfDuty".

Need help pls.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have install "Activiti Designer" but under "Palette" ther is no "Security" and also no "BindingOfDuty" and "SeparationOfDuty".

Need help pls.


The Activiti Designer is a Tool to model a business process, it has no business process templates a-ka  "BindingOfDuty" or "SeparationOfDuty".
you'd have to model these processes 8-) themselves.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making


Now I found a description –> page 40 <>

Please read everything, not just page 40.

Notice that:
1. (page 74, pdf file; page 62 in document)
4.2 Aniketos environment components
4.2.1 Service Composition Framework Implementation
The service composition framework is basically composed of the Activiti Designer [8] and of three
external plug-ins.
Two of them called eu.aniketos.wp5.components.scf and
eu.aniketos.wp5.components.scf.implementation contain the discovery and the planning mechanism
and handle the interactions with the other Aniketos components. The other one called
org.activiti.desginer.elsag contains the code needed for the extension of the Activiti Designer. This
includes the definition of new user interfaces in order to let the developer to easily define the type and
the parameters of the desired service, and the calls to the methods exposed by the
eu.aniketos.wp5.components.scf.implementation plug-in.
And 2:

Overall, SecureBPM enables the specification of these security properties at a fine granular level. For example, separation of duty and binding of duty can restrict individual permissions (e. g., completing a task requires two clerks or one manager) rather than restricting the whole task…
Figure 4 illustrates the SecureBPMN modelling support in an extended version of the Activiti BPMN Designer ( showing a simple travel approval process. While we provide a graphical notation for the separation of duty property (e.g., the blue “box” between the tasks “Request Travel” and “Approve Budget”, we do not provide a graphical notation for the role-based permissions….

In more detail, we extended the BPMN meta-model. Figure 3 shows the core of core of SecureBPM (the black classes) as well as the connection points to the BPMN meta-model (the blue classes represent classes from the BPMN meta-model).


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
OK ok, you've made your point!

How can I define Separation of Duty?