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Activiti 5.2 Comments

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Activity Core team

Just laid my hands on Activiti 5.2…. its "Rocking"  Smiley Very Happy, indeed you guys have done a marvelous Job in terms of new feature, enhancements and speed of releases.

However found couple of small issues, please have a look:

1. Round tripping from Activiti Modeler to Eclipse based designer (import of BPMN 20 files).

Comments: I tried import review sales lead in (provided in engine examples ), the import happened successfully but the rendered image was incomplete. I have attached the same in  a document please have a look.

2. Current state in process flow in Probe.

    Comments: The display diagram action in Probe is not visible for all processes, for example its visible for review sales lead but not for vacation request process…. The diagrams rendered in Activity explorer for these processes too looks a bit different…the Vacation request looks to be generated from Activiti Modeler and Review sales lead looks to be generated from eclipse based designer. Am i missing something… please let us know.

3. I was expecting for each construct support… any hints regarding the timeframe in which it might be included?

Thank you

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Ad. 1 - I believe that this process uses BPMN elements that are not in Designer yet:
- Error end event
- Error intermediate event
I think that when one imports process containing elements unsupported in Designer, the result is kind of random Smiley Wink

Ad. 2 - The problem is that currently there are 2 ways of displaying process diagram in Activiti Explorer. One is by using png attached to process deployment, the other is by generating it using DI information in BPMN itself. The point is that Probe can only visualize process instance, if there is DI info attached to the process - it would be pretty hard to add current activity highligthing to raw png…
So if there is png attached (e.g. generated by modeler/designer) Explorer can show the diagram, but Probe will not. Also if Explorer shows diagram using attached image and Probe displays it using DI information the results can be slightly different


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Maciek

Thanks for the clarification.

Thank you

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Regarding point 3: it was postponed to 5.3