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Activiti 5.11 - where has the Ant-Task DeployBarTask gone?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Until Activiti 5.10 there has been an Ant-Task org.activiti.engine.impl.ant.DeployBarTask
Where has it gone? Has it moved to some other module in version 5.11? I didn't found anything within the release notes.

Any help is appreciated  Smiley Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Until Activiti 5.10 there has been an Ant-Task org.activiti.engine.impl.ant.DeployBarTask
Where has it gone? Has it moved to some other module in version 5.11? I didn't found anything within the release notes.

Any help is appreciated  Smiley Happy
The whole ant pakage is gone, because that was an impl-package:

In the jar file, all classes in packages that have .impl. (e.g. org.activiti.engine.impl.pvm.delegate) in them are implementation classes and should be considered internal. No stability guarantees are given on classes or interfaces that are in implementation classes. (c)

The user guide 5.11has no more the Deploying with ant section Smiley Indifferent

The user guide 5.10 had it:
Deploying with ant

To deploy a business archive with ant, first the deploy-bar task needs to be defined. Make sure that the configuration jar is on the classpath, as well as the Activiti jar and all its dependencies:

<taskdef name="deploy-bar" classname="org.activiti.engine.impl.ant.DeployBarTask">
    <fileset dir="…">
      <include name="activiti-cfg.jar"/>
      <include name="your-db-driver.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${activiti.home}/lib">
      <include name="activiti-engine-${activiti.version}.jar"/>
      <include name="ibatis-sqlmap-*.jar"/>
<deploy-bar file="…/" />

So, try to use the needed classes form activiti 5.10 release Smiley Wink

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
What a pity! That Ant stuff has been very useful for us… So I'm going to rewrite the Ant-task.
Shouldn't be that complicated by looking in the old sources.  Smiley Happy

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Gunnar,

We wanted to get rid of the Ant demo script, because it was causing a number of issues and various operating systems.
And this also meant that we removed the Ant deploy task code.
But as you said it's very easy to get back from the old 5.10 source code.

Best regards,
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