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Activi REST port's for external application

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi guys,

I have made a several REST entry points to an external application usgin restlet available API. So my question is since I don't have many experience using maven how can I share those services to our community?

The service are: delete, export, import and get. All of them using activiti internal API with no modification. It's beautivul and fullu functional.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
> I have made a several REST entry points to an external application usgin restlet available API.

Do you mean you've extended the existing functionality of the REST api with new methods?

> how can I share those services to our community?

If they are generically applicable a pull request on github is the best choice, that way everybody can benefit from it.


Yeah, I basically use save, delete and deploy already existant functionallity and created a restlet service entry point so that can be possible to save, remove and export bpmn xml 2.0 from an external application.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
By the way I do not create any new functionallity I just get those existent one like save and delete and create restlet services to use them.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Im still not following 100%: so you mean you've written client classes using restlet (that consume the rest api). Maybe you should just put them on github so everyone can see them 😉