08-23-2007 04:52 PM
<aspect name="cu:sourceInformation">
<title>Source Information</title>
<property name="cu:sourceTitle">
<property name="cu:imprint">
<property name="cu:mcode">
<property name="cu:isbn">
<property name="cu:isbn13">
<#list folder.children as child><#if child.isDocument>${child.name}|${xmldate(child.properties.modified)}|${child.properties.description!""}|${child.properties.creator}|${child.properties["cu:isbn"]}<br /></#if></#list>
09-03-2007 07:10 AM
09-04-2007 10:33 AM
09-04-2007 11:07 AM
09-06-2007 12:01 PM
09-11-2007 10:39 AM
<#– Get a list of all the property names for the document –>
<#assign props = document.properties?keys>
<#list props as t>
<#– If the property exists –>
<#if document.properties[t]?exists>
<#– If it is a date, format it accordingly–>
<#if document.properties[t]?is_date>
<tr><td>${t} = ${document.properties[t]?date}</td></tr>
<#– If it is a boolean, format it accordingly–>
<#elseif document.properties[t]?is_boolean>
<tr><td>${t} = ${document.properties[t]?string("yes", "no")}</td></tr>
<#– Otherwise treat it as a string –>
<tr><td>${t} = ${document.properties[t]}</td></tr>
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