I tried this sample even I have similar requirement with little modification in it.
I want to log each step but when exception occurs it has to stop and persists previous tasks in activiti table.By making async ture,
it persists all the steps in the workflow to activiti tables even when the exception occurs.
My sample is like this:
Start–>Step1(Service task)–>Step2(Service task)–>Step3(Service task)–>end.
When Exception occurs in Step2(Service task) I want to persist the Step1(Service task),Step2(Service task) with Exception and it should not continue to Step3(Service task) to persists in the actviti tables.
I want to persists the previous and current(Exception rises) steps to log into the activiti tables and it should stop logging next steps i.e the steps after the exception.
I tried with "Boundary Error Event" also, but same thing continued. How can I achieve this ?
Thanks in advance.