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A simple TreeView-EFile plugin question

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi there,

let we assume we've got a space under main repository called "Test".

Under this test i put another space called "Main Folder" and then in this space some images as usual, but linked with the Main Folder with a Virtual Folder join.

Everything works like a charm, but in the treeview of the EFile Plugin rendering, the root is the "Test".

I would like to see my Main Folder with exploded the virtual folder.

Can anybody tell me wich is the right config coordinate?
I tried in the lowest part of the bootstrap to change Record Class or DefaultClass values but nothing.

Honestly i got the wanted result changing the DefaultClass with the type of the Main Folder, but always occurs an error.

thanks in advance!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi 7joeblack8,

one part looks like a bug in the opencmis adaptor which was released with Workdesk,
the other thing looks kind of a configuration issue.

Just to make it clear, what you want to do is:
- configure on the plugins to have by default a virtual structure displayed
- searching for folder (aka. Spaces) and clicking on it should replace that virtual structure
- but it should open only the currently clicked folder, not the parent of them

<mime optionid="" type="ow_folder/F:DEMO:testfolder">
  <eventhandler type="class" openrecord="false">com.wewebu.ow.server.plug.owrecord.OwRecordDocument</eventhandler>

But the thing with the semi-virtual structure I don't get.
Why do you need that?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
solved programmatically…4 me it's a bug.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hi D.evillll!!!

well it's quite simple.
I just want to display the folder i found with Search Plugin (of type "FSmiley Very HappyEMO:Testfolder") right in the EFile Plugin, and this folder has to be the root, and the semi-virtual folders got to be opened (it's silly to click to expand the tree structure every time…).

This is handy because you've got the virtual structure of the folder searched just before your eyes, and you can click on the virtual folder/s to see if any document of the kind you specified in the template is available.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, got you.

Problem is that the opencmis based adaptor was not officially released, and is just a preview.
I think you are stuck with that problem until the you got an release where it is supported.

Somewhere I read that a new release is coming in June, in worst case you will have to switch to the
other implementation of CMIS.

Did the proposed configuration not solved the other problem? (I mean just opening the found folder.)


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
well…actually i prefer to find my solution to keep the opencmis library because i notice that everything runs much faster.
i solved through coding the right ow_core section…i can't wait to see the new release!