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A few of things about web quick start

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
First, I would like to thank Web Quick Start support team. This is the most active forums I have ever seen. All questions were/are answered in very timely way. I have a few of things in my mind about WQS:

1). How WQS handles the qlobal collection which is not section-related. For instance, I have footer shared by every page. Currently you get the collection by specifying the section name and collection name. If you want inherit or share the same results for every page, you just need to hard-code the same section name and collection name without creating new collection. Any other better idea without hard-code section name and collection name;

2). I have list page including around one thousand of articles. I would like to have dynamic query to pull out the articles but don't like to see the list from metadata details since it is huge list. Also it is good idea to use dynamic query for this case since it will create association in alfresco based on the query.

3). I would like to preview, publish functions showing in alfresco explorer instead of share.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
First, I would like to thank Web Quick Start support team. This is the most active forums I have ever seen. All questions were/are answered in very timely way.

Thank you. We try to be helpful  Smiley Happy

1). How WQS handles the qlobal collection which is not section-related. For instance, I have footer shared by every page. Currently you get the collection by specifying the section name and collection name. If you want inherit or share the same results for every page, you just need to hard-code the same section name and collection name without creating new collection. Any other better idea without hard-code section name and collection name;

I would have expected "global" asset collections to live under the root section of the site. This is always easy to obtain:


2). I have list page including around one thousand of articles. I would like to have dynamic query to pull out the articles but don't like to see the list from metadata details since it is huge list. Also it is good idea to use dynamic query for this case since it will create association in alfresco based on the query.
I'm not 100% certain of your meaning here, but of course you could carry out queries against the repo dynamically if you want to. Be aware of potential performance issues - a dynamic asset collection would be safer in this respect, since it is intelligently cached by the asset collection factory in the latest version of the code. If you want to carry out a query at request time then perhaps investigate using the OpenCMIS interface that is embedded in the WQS API. There is a thread-local Session object available via the static operation CmisSessionHelper.getSession(). You can see this being used in the class SectionFactoryCmisImpl, for example.

3). I would like to preview, publish functions showing in alfresco explorer instead of share.
It's relatively unlikely that this will be done by Alfresco, but it should be quite simple for you to expose a custom action to do it. For the preview there is a class in the repo tier named "SiteHelper" (an instance of which is created with a bean id of "org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart_siteHelper") that has a method called getWebAssetURL. Basically the preview action simply redirects the browser to the URL returned by that method. For the publish there is actually already an action defined with the name "webqs_publish". Invoking that action on a given node will place the node on the publish queue, so it's just a case of including that action in the appropriate action group(s).

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would have expected "global" asset collections to live under the root section of the site. This is always easy to obtain:



I'm not 100% certain of your meaning here, but of course you could carry out queries against the repo dynamically if you want to. Be aware of potential performance issues - a dynamic asset collection would be safer in this respect, since it is intelligently cached by the asset collection factory in the latest version of the code. If you want to carry out a query at request time then perhaps investigate using the OpenCMIS interface that is embedded in the WQS API. There is a thread-local Session object available via the static operation CmisSessionHelper.getSession(). You can see this being used in the class SectionFactoryCmisImpl, for example.
I am talking about alfresco repository end. Definitely I am using all of the cache system from surf application. In alfresco end, it actually create association when dynamic query configured in (like feature news etc.). If I have page or section showing article list, should I create a collection like feasured news? The only difference between those is that article list might include thousand of articles but featured news only has 5 or 10 items. In this case, would it be wise to seek for other solution or use similar way like featured news to configure dynamic query (alfresco-cmis/lucene). Once it  is done. DynamicCollectionProcessor will create association which associates one thousand of article in alfresco repository for collection factory to pull out from surf application. But when you click the detail metadata, you definitely don't want to see the big list

It's relatively unlikely that this will be done by Alfresco, but it should be quite simple for you to expose a custom action to do it. For the preview there is a class in the repo tier named "SiteHelper" (an instance of which is created with a bean id of "org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart_siteHelper") that has a method called getWebAssetURL. Basically the preview action simply redirects the browser to the URL returned by that method. For the publish there is actually already an action defined with the name "webqs_publish". Invoking that action on a given node will place the node on the publish queue, so it's just a case of including that action in the appropriate action group(s).
I am not quite sure how to add the publish button to all of section (space) and index.html nodes. It would be great if you can give a simple example. Similar I need to add "preview" button for all of assets so that you would see it when you click the detail of the asset. I will check documentation. Thanks for your precious time.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
It's relatively unlikely that this will be done by Alfresco, but it should be quite simple for you to expose a custom action to do it. For the preview there is a class in the repo tier named "SiteHelper" (an instance of which is created with a bean id of "org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart_siteHelper") that has a method called getWebAssetURL. Basically the preview action simply redirects the browser to the URL returned by that method.

Obviously I tried different way to have preview button but none of is pretty and "quite simple" like you said. I am wonderring what I am doing in wrong direction. For instance, I could create custom dialog replace DocumentDetailDialog which implement a method called previewUrl. Then I can define action like:

<action id="previewasset">
               <permission allow="true">Read</permission>
            <!– NOTE: uses the special 'actionContext' object supplied by the parent actions component –>

But is it good idea to replace DocomentDetailDialog class with custom dialog, even though custom dialog extends all of functionalities,

It is so confused that alfresco has two different actions (face action and alfresco action etc). I posted one item in alfresco explorer development but nobody responses at ALL.

Face action seems very easy to config but hard to connect custom class. alfresco action seems easy to implement but have to go through rule action to make it work. I really just want to configure face action and call custom action which is alfresco action but no simple way. Thanks in advance

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i am trying to install quick web editor on alfresco which is running on ubuntu via the terminal and it is giving me following error

firstly i used the chmod a+x filename

then the following

./index.html?file=release%2Fcommunity%2Fbuild-3370%2Falfresco-community-3.4.d-installer-linux-x32.bin: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
> ./index.html?file=release%2Fcommunity%2Fbuild-3370%2Falfresco-community-3.4.d-installer-linux-x32.bin: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">'
-bash: !DOCTYPE: event not found

any thoughts about it!!!!!!!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I'm afraid I'm not sure why that would be - many people have successfully installed 3.4.d on Linux systems. This isn't a Web Quick Start problem really. I recommend that you try posting your question again in the Installation forum.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks, very usefull info.