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A connection to OpenOffice could not be established.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I just installed Alfresco 2.0 community bundled with Tomcat.  We are users of Alf 1.4 currently in production, but want to try out 2.0.

In the startup log for 2.0, I saw the following message:

"…A connection to OpenOffice could not be established…"

I don't see a similar message in my Alf 1.4 startup logs.

I suspect we will have document transformation issues if we don't have an OpenOffice connection.

Any help on this one?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

If you are running on Windows have a look in your 'alfresco.bat' file for the lines:

rem —————————————
rem Start OpenOffice for transformations
rem —————————————
if not "%OPENOFFICE_PATH%" == "" call "%OPENOFFICE_PATH%\soffice" "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless -nofirststartwizard

Either ensure you have an environment variable for 'OPENOFFICE_PATH' that points to the correct path, or hardcode the path into the 'alfresco.bat' file.

When you start Alfresco, check your task manager for for 'soffice' processes, and look in your alfresco log file for connection successful messages.

If you are running on Linux, these principles still apply.

Hope this helps,
