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3 missings options to Share vs Explorer

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We use Alfresco since few years now, but we just update the version 4.2.3.
We make all possible to use only Share since we know on the version 5.0 Explorer is not existing anymore.

My post concerne the version 4.2.
We noticed that many options are NOT available anymore, as the possibiliy to make a link on a document !
Or to get the URL from the version "pre-version" (the latest version -also current version- get a URL who will be used as versioned when a new version is registered, and we chose to use this URL for our document in place of the current version, to be sure the right URL won't change when a new version is uploaded.
We also DON'T WANT the versioning activated, but in Share it comes automaticly by default, and impossible to changed it !

So we follow using Explorer…

Do you know if those kind of options could be available again ?
Or maybe someone could help us with those 3 problems ?

Thanks for the help.
Kind regards.

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

the URL for the current version of a document is always the URL to the document details page. It will never change, no matter where the document is located or which version it is. You can simply bookmark it in your browser - there is no need for an explicit "get URL" action any more as there was with Explorer and its non-bookmarkable URLs.

An action "create link" can easily be added to Share with customization. It is not part of the standard configuration since such a feature would not be used by that many users. There is a Community addon out on GitHub: <a href="">Alfresco Share Create Link</a>

Versioning can also be disabled with customization. Auto-versioning can be disabled via a property in ( and the "Upload new Version" action could be replaced with a version-less variant via a Surf extension module.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for the answer. Danke !

About the first point, maybe my explainations weren't clear enough. And i'm not speaking german either ;-(
In Explorer, when the versioning is "on", we have a URL to every document. Those URL are corresponding to a unique ID.
But, Explorer create a unique ID for the document who is the current version.
So we can find the current version (with a URL) and for every version a different URL.

As you can see on the example joined (PDF) this "option" is not present on Alfresco Share.
Share only allowed ID when the document is versioned (so when the new version replace it).
Then the last version of the document don't have "future URL", and we only use the current URL (for the current version).

I know there is not a nice use of Alfersco, but my colleagues who are working with Alfresco needs this URL because they are registering all the version with their URL. With this they can link every version with the URL it will get on the future.

Hope is clearer :-7
And i guess there is no way to have this option anymore on Share ?

About the 2 other points, we will try to do it.

Thanks again.
Kind regards.

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

ok, now I understand. The version URL for the "current version" also exists when using Share, but it is not available in the UI. As a matter of fact, the other version URLs aren't really "in" the UI - they are only used to provide the "Download" action on previous versions. I would consider them "internal implementation detail" and would not rely on them always being available/extractable from the UI.

The missing version URL for the current version could also be included in the UI - this would require a customizaion of the document-versions component / web script in Share.

There actually is no "future verson" URL - all those URLs refer to versions already created and there is no way to predict/determine the URL of a new version before it is being created.

Why do your colleagues have to register "all the version with their URL"? Couldn't they simply do a lookup via UI / CMIS? Just curious because I can't think of a use case…


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for those clear explainations.
We will see what we can do.

Anout my colleagues, they need (want) to register all versions, because some documents need to be available.
So they give the URL from our Intranet.
They doing like that because they want register the document as a URL who will not change (so the version URL). If they register with the current version URL, it means that they need to change the document's URL when a new version is coming.
I don't agree with this process because if this document have a modification they need to change the URL, but i understand their work because they have many document (around 50) to work with in the same time (as new laws or change application who start every new year).

Hope my explaination is undestandable.

Kind regards.