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Thumbnail generation changes modifier and modified

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

i have an excel file, where, from time to time, the generation of the pdf preview fails with the following error:

081810197 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 0818706202 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/thumbnail/thumbnail.get.js': 0818706201 0818706200 A rendition of name: {}pdf should have been created for source node: workspace://SpacesStore/e9c5a869-77ac-4333-ac00-20d2399de04d

this error occurs, when calling the following url:

the interesting thing is, that sometimes, if a user previews (only viewing it, no changes) the document in the document library, the modifier and modified date of the document changes to the user who viewed the doc.

the same occors, when i try to force the thumbnail generation:

also there, modifier und modified changes

this behaviour is very irritating to our users, as randomly users are shown as modifier, but the haven't made any changes to the document


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Modified and modifier changes when any updates happening on the node. When you are forcing thumbnail generation, it is trying to generate the thumbnail and add association to the node. This happened to my case, we had a behavior running in background. Try investigating the nodeRef in node browser and see if you can lodated recently added rendition and also add additional logs

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

is there any chance/way to disable this behaviour?

I face a similar issue - any news on how to disable modification time change when thumbnail is created?