08-07-2018 12:58 PM
Hello, is there a possibility to synchronize my ftp server with Alfresco,
I mean when a file will be created in my ftp server it will automatically be copied to alfresco too.
if it's possible how can I do that
08-08-2018 07:02 AM
Bonjour, existe-t-il une possibilité de synchroniser mon serveur ftp avec Alfresco, Je veux dire quand un fichier sera créé sur mon serveur ftp, il sera automatiquement copié sur alfresco aussi. si c'est possible, comment puis-je le faire
08-09-2018 04:03 AM
Any one can help me please / quelqu'un peut m'aider svp
08-09-2018 12:16 PM
no one anser !!
08-10-2018 04:49 AM
Maybe you can try this option:
First, you can enable FTP on your Alfresco. I mean, check your "alfresco-global.properties" located in: "{alfresco}/tomcat/shared/clases/alfresco-global.properties"
For example in my Alfresco:
### FTP Server Configuration ###
After that, you can configure a new account in your FTP client. For instance (Filezilla):
Server: (your Alfresco installation)
User: admin (user in your Alfresco installation)
Password: xxxx (password in your Alfresco installation)
After connect you can access to alfresco's folders, so if you upload a file, folder,... it will save in your Alfresco.
08-10-2018 05:28 AM
Hello Jose Angel Gonzalez Calvo Thank you for your attention ,
i all ready have access to Alfresco by ftp . in my company there's people who work on ftp server they put files on it , i dont wanna that they get access to alfresco they only get access to ftp server .i wanna if its possible that everytime they create files on ftp server , those files will be automatically created or copied on alfresco server too in trasparent way everytime they put new files on server ftp .
Thanks a lot
08-10-2018 08:56 AM
Sorry, I suppose you can write a scheduled task, but I have no information about that.
Maybe you can take a look to this link, but i'm not sure if its solve your query:
CmisSync: Dropbox-like sync for your enterprise file server
Some FTP clients allows you create scripts or something like that.
08-11-2018 05:16 AM
Thank you so much i Really appreciate your help
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