12-21-2021 09:47 PM
Hello everybody,
I have a pc running centos 7 and alfresco community 5.2. Following the documentation, I put the following lines in /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties :
mail.host=mail.server.com mail.port=587 mail.protocol=smtp mail.from.default=mailserver@mymail.com mail.username=mailserver@mymail.com mail.password=mypassword mail.encoding=UTF-8 mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true mail.smtp.auth=true mail.testmessage.send=true mail.testmessage.to=mymail@mycompany.com mail.testmessage.subject=AlfOutbound Mail System mail.testmessage.text=Sending Mails Workshop
When I restart the service, I don't get any email. Should I open a port in centos 7? I'm quite unclear about what is the procedure to set up an outbound smtp mail.
I hope you can help me with this issue.
Best regards,
12-22-2021 03:23 AM
Is there additional information in Alfresco logs?
01-09-2022 11:51 PM
Logs said nothing, but in the end I had the wrong SMTP password.
Thanks for your attention.
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