02-06-2021 01:31 PM
I am new to this forms, playing around.
My task form has drop down control (form control snippet)
{ "fieldType": "RestFieldRepresentation", "id": "dropOffLocation", "name": "", "type": "dropdown", "value": "Choose one...", "required": false, "readOnly": false, "overrideId": true, "colspan": 1, "placeholder": null, "minLength": 0, "maxLength": 0, "minValue": null, "maxValue": null, "regexPattern": null, "optionType": "manual", "hasEmptyValue": true, "options": [ { "id": "empty", "name": "Choose one..." }, { "id": "option_1", "name": "New York" }, { "id": "option_2", "name": "New Jersey" } ], "restUrl": null, "restResponsePath": null, "restIdProperty": null, "restLabelProperty": null, "tab": null, "className": null, "params": { "existingColspan": 1, "maxColspan": 1 }, "dateDisplayFormat": null, "layout": { "row": -1, "column": -1, "colspan": 1 }, "sizeX": 1, "sizeY": 1, "row": -1, "col": -1, "visibilityCondition": null, "endpoint": null, "requestHeaders": null }
Using rest api I am trying to set the value for the dropdown.
{ "values": { "firstName" : "test1", "lastName" : "Test3", "dropOffLocation" : "option_1" } }
I was able to set the text field values(firstName and lastName, but not the dropdown(select) values.
What would be format for setting the dropdown values ?
Thanks in advance.
02-09-2021 07:56 AM
You need to provide id and name of option.
{ "values": { "firstName" : "test1", "lastName" : "Test3", "country": { "id": "India", "name": "India" } } }
02-09-2021 07:56 AM
You need to provide id and name of option.
{ "values": { "firstName" : "test1", "lastName" : "Test3", "country": { "id": "India", "name": "India" } } }
02-10-2021 06:24 AM
Thank you @sanjaybandhniya
Is there any document or link explaining the json formats for the different types of form controls
02-26-2021 11:56 AM
Whats the format for saving the hyperlink.
I need to update the hyperlink variable from rest call.
02-10-2021 06:18 AM
Hi @kdevineni1 & welcome to Alfresco,
Thanks for accepting the solution - helpful to others who have a similar issue.
Take care,
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