05-18-2023 08:25 AM
When using the API to request a password change through email, it would return 202 accepted, the email would be sent the clicking the reset password button would take me to a something went wrong page
if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong here, please let me know.
05-21-2023 10:18 PM
Which API you using to reset password?
Is this customization?
05-24-2023 09:16 AM
I used this end point /people/{personId}/request-password-reset using the alfresco api version 1.
As for customization only basic configurations to alfresco-global.properties were made.
I believe I mentioned previously that users would recieve the email to reset their password but the link to do so would send them to a something went wrong page.
05-31-2023 10:17 PM
This feature is deprecated in alfresco 7.2
Which alfresco version you are using?
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