06-24-2019 06:57 PM
I have to read the content of an excel file in a java backed webscript because I need to save the rows in a table in my database. The problem is that when I execute my action I just have a node and I don't know hoy to convert it to a excel file to use Apache POI o something like this to read the content of the file.
I have tried using the "transform and copy" action, to convert the excel file into a CSV file, but with this the empty cells just don't show in the csv and in those cases I don't have the same number of columns.
The other restriction is that I can't modify the excel file before to insert it in alfresco.
Anyone have any suggestion to reach that?
08-09-2019 03:35 AM
You can have the content of a node by using Java API on an Action:
alfresco-simple-ocr/OCRExtractAction.java at master · keensoft/alfresco-simple-ocr · GitHub
Hope this helps.
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