04-05-2018 12:28 PM
Is the Alfresco-bundled JDK for Alfresco-Community able to handle large loads? This might sound like a silly question but I wanted to ask anyway because I'm deciding whether to set it up using the bundled JDK vs installing the regular JDK and relying on the repos if I'm working with a large number of users. When I think of anything "bundled", it usually comes with some kind of restriction or stripped-down version of the actual program.
04-05-2018 12:33 PM
There is no difference between the bundled JDK and the JDK you'd install if you did so yourself, other than, potentially, the version. The installer offers to install the JDK as a convenience. So, if you don't want to install the JDK yourself, feel free to use the bundled JDK.
04-05-2018 12:59 PM
I would just add that, being a normal JDK, you can perform the normal tuning in order to make your repository able to deal with the load.
Information on the topic is available at
Alfresco Tech Talk Live #88: Alfresco performance tuning - YouTube
Alfresco Tech Talk Live #90 - Performance tuning part two - YouTube
04-05-2018 02:51 PM
Jeff, Doug, thanks for the confirmation.
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