8 hours ago
Hi, I trying to play with Alfresco Community Edition by Docker images from Angel Borroy guides, using his acs installer for acs version of 23.2 and I have two problems, first one with searching for documents in alfresco share, it occures whenever I uplode sth through Project Library site or searching through folders. Everytime the same error appears
"01260008 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/documentlibrary/data/surf-doclist.get.js': 01260007 'javax.servlet.http.HttpSession org.springframework.extensions.surf.ServletUtil.getSession()'"
I searched through logs and any connection problems between solr, share and alfresco nothing...
My logs from containers:
Logs form share container shows that there is a problem with executing script from classpath*:alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/documentlibrary/data/surf-doclist.get.js which i think is a part of a docker but any changes done to this container will not remain upon restarting.
Second problem is with solr container, Im using secret method for auth (got me a lot of time to figure out how to add specific config for proxy to pass this stupid thing through nginx, because I dont want to download browser extension to just pass one secret in header, anyways..), on solr logging I see some warnings, like:
XML parse warning in "solrres:/solrconfig.xml",​ line 1858,​ column 88: Include operatio... |
XML parse warning in "solrres:/solrconfig.xml",​ line 1858,​ column 88: Include operatio... |
This specific .xml configuration is sitting on a alfresco-search-services-solr6-1 container but not in path that log shows, after logining in to this docker I saw that solrconfig.xml is in /opt/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/archive/conf/ , no clue why, also the specific fallback line is from here:
Please help me with this, im new with dms systems and a specially containers.
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