02-12-2020 06:20 AM
I just run into this problem. When I edit a document no matter how: in Microsoft Office or in Google Docs, preview is updated just once. All furhter edits are ignored in spite of the fact they are stored in the document. Log files do not give any clue, no errors mentioned. Can it be a permissions issue? My alfresco Data directory has the following permissions:
I am using dockerized Alfresco 6.1 CE installed on Ubuntu 18.04LTS
Any ideas much appreciated.
02-12-2020 11:53 AM
Can you please share a step by step description to reproduce the issue?
02-13-2020 06:23 AM
Steps to reproduce:
The same situation with thumbnail generation. The only way to get updated preview is to delete corresponding node using Admin tools and then refresh browser page which of course can not be used as a workaround in production.
02-17-2020 03:13 AM
Here is transformers debug of above mentioned scenario. It is clearly seen that after second editing only Solr index is updated (42) and no other transformer is run to update pdf preview.
42 17 Feb 2020 08:06:40 42 docx txt Test Update.docx 5.9 KB -- index -- SolrIndexer 42 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 42 **a) [120] TikaAuto 86 ms 42 b) [130] OOXML 0 ms 42.1 docx txt Test Update.docx 5.9 KB TikaAuto 42 Finished in 69 ms 41 17 Feb 2020 08:06:15 41 docx pdf Test Update.docx 5.9 KB -- pdf -- ContentService.transform(...) 41 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 41 **a) [110] JodConverter<<Proxy>> < 768 KB 54 ms 41.1 docx pdf Test Update.docx 5.9 KB JodConverter<<Proxy>> 41 Finished in 61 ms 40 17 Feb 2020 08:06:12 40 docx pdf Untitled Document.docx 5.9 KB -- pdf -- ContentService.getTransformer(...) 40 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 40 **a) [110] JodConverter<<Proxy>> < 768 KB 54 ms 40 Finished in 1 ms Just checking if a transformer is available 39 17 Feb 2020 08:06:08 39 docx pdf Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB -- pdf -- ContentService.transform(...) 39 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 39 **a) [110] JodConverter<<Proxy>> < 768 KB 52 ms 39.1 docx pdf Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB JodConverter<<Proxy>> 39 Finished in 58 ms 37 17 Feb 2020 08:06:08 37 docx pdf -- pdf -- ContentService.getMaxSourceSizeBytes() = 768 KB 37 **a) [110] JodConverter<<Proxy>> < 768 KB 52 ms 37 Finished in 2 ms Just checking if a transformer is available 36 17 Feb 2020 08:05:40 36 docx txt Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB -- index -- SolrIndexer 36 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 36 **a) [120] TikaAuto 82 ms 36 b) [130] OOXML 0 ms 36.1 docx txt Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB TikaAuto 36 Finished in 93 ms 35 17 Feb 2020 08:05:30 35 doc txt 1.doc 77.5 KB -- index -- SolrIndexer 35 archive://SpacesStore/fb9f3221-ebb7-4868-b4cc-bc420bef3011 35 **a) [50] TextMining 0 ms 35 b) [120] TikaAuto 0 ms 35 c) [130] Office 0 ms 35.1 doc txt 1.doc 77.5 KB TextMining 35 Finished in 110 ms 34 17 Feb 2020 08:05:30 34 doc txt 2.doc 78 KB -- index -- SolrIndexer 34 archive://SpacesStore/5494bab0-6871-4636-a555-d23a4389687a 34 **a) [50] TextMining 0 ms 34 b) [120] TikaAuto 0 ms 34 c) [130] Office 0 ms 34.1 doc txt 2.doc 78 KB TextMining 34 Finished in 111 ms 33 17 Feb 2020 08:05:30 33 docx txt test.docx 5.9 KB -- index -- SolrIndexer 33 archive://SpacesStore/33b0299b-5691-499c-94f4-f11b818438bc 33 **a) [120] TikaAuto 0 ms 33 b) [130] OOXML 0 ms 33.1 docx txt test.docx 5.9 KB TikaAuto 33 Finished in 86 ms 32 17 Feb 2020 08:05:14 32 docx png Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB -- doclib -- ContentService.transform(...) 32 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 32 **a) [250] complex.JodConverter.Image<<Complex>> 0 ms 32 b) [400] complex.Any.Image<<Complex>> 0 ms 32.1 docx png Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB complex.JodConverter.Image<<Complex>> 32.1.1 docx pdf Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB JodConverter.2Pdf<<FailoverComponent>> docx pdf Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB JodConverter<<Proxy>> 32.1.2 pdf png <<TemporaryFile>> 1.2 KB complex.PDF.Image<<Failover>> pdf png <<TemporaryFile>> 1.2 KB alfresco-pdf-renderer<<Proxy>> 32 Finished in 73 ms 31 17 Feb 2020 08:05:14 31 docx png Untitled Document.docx 13.5 KB -- doclib -- ContentService.getTransformer(...) 31 workspace://SpacesStore/f6978692-0840-4061-81a2-35041f690834 31 **a) [250] complex.JodConverter.Image<<Complex>> 0 ms 31 b) [400] complex.Any.Image<<Complex>> 0 ms 31 Finished in 1 ms Just checking if a transformer is available 30 17 Feb 2020 08:05:14 30 docx png -- doclib -- ContentService.getMaxSourceSizeBytes() = unlimited 30 **a) [250] complex.JodConverter.Image<<Complex>> 0 ms 30 b) [400] complex.Any.Image<<Complex>> 0 ms 30 Finished in 2 ms Just checking if a transformer is available
02-18-2020 04:26 AM
@fcorti any ideas how to improve the situation? What logs/settings should I check?
02-18-2020 04:34 AM
At the beginning I thought it was an issue on the client side (ADF?), but after you provided further info I think the issue is on the ACS side.
@EddieMay is trying to find a better suggestion. 😉
02-18-2020 05:21 AM
@fcorti OK, got you. I think I have another connected problem. Sometimes document preview is not shown popping up a message:
Could not load PDF content
So, for some reason PDF preview is not available in spite of the fact that it exists (I can check it with node browser). At the same time if I go for offline editing the PDF preview of the latest version of document is generated and is shown. But as soon as I cancel offfline editing it disappears and system returns to it's previous state - no preview available. I understand that when I go for offline another fresh copy is generated and it brings that "actual" preview, but how to tell the system to update preview of original document - no idea.
May be this description will put more light on this problem.
02-18-2020 05:26 AM
Which ACS version are you using?
02-18-2020 06:04 AM
@fcorti I'm using 6.1 form this repo
which implemented with 8 Docker containers.
#.env contents # Community ALFRESCO_CE_TAG=6.1.2-ga SEARCH_CE_TAG= SHARE_TAG=6.1.0 ACA_TAG=master-latest POSTGRES_TAG=10.1 API_EXPLORER_TAG=6.0.7-ga
02-18-2020 06:28 AM
Here is my docker-compose.yml
# Using version 2 as 3 does not support resource constraint options (cpu_*, mem_* limits) for non swarm mode in Compose version: "2" services: alfresco: build: context: ./alfresco args: ALFRESCO_TAG: ${ALFRESCO_CE_TAG} DB: postgres API_EXPLORER_TAG: ${API_EXPLORER_TAG} mem_limit: 8192m environment: JAVA_OPTS : ' -Ddb.username=alfresco -Ddb.password=alfresco -Ddb.driver=org.postgresql.Driver -Ddb.url=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/alfresco -Dsolr.host=solr6 -Dsolr.secureComms=none -Dsolr.baseUrl=/solr -Dindex.subsystem.name=solr6 -Dalfresco.context=alfresco -Dalfresco.host=xxxx -Dalfresco.protocol=https -Dalfresco.port=443 -Dshare.context=share -Dshare.host=xxxx -Dshare.protocol=https -Dshare.port=443 -Daos.baseUrlOverwrite=https://xxxx/alfresco/aos -Ddeployment.method=DOCKER_COMPOSE -Dcsrf.filter.enabled=false -Dalfresco.restApi.basicAuthScheme=true -Dmessaging.subsystem.autoStart=false -Dauthentication.protection.enabled=false -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -Xms4864m -Xmx4864m -Dmail.host=smtp -Dmail.port=25 -Dmail.username=anonymous -Dmail.password= -Dmail.protocol=smtp -Dmail.smtps.starttls.enable=false -Dmail.smtps.auth=false -Docr.command=/opt/alfresco/bin/ocrmypdf.sh -Docr.output.verbose=true -Docr.output.file.prefix.command= -Docr.extra.commands="-j1 --rotate-pages -l rus+eng --deskew --clean --skip-text" -Docr.server.os=linux -Dlocal.transform.service.enabled=true ' volumes: - ./data/alf-repo-data:/usr/local/tomcat/alf_data - ./logs/alfresco:/usr/local/tomcat/logs - ./data/ocr/input:/ocr_input - ./data/ocr/output:/ocr_output solr6: build: context: ./search args: SEARCH_TAG: $SEARCH_CE_TAG SOLR_HOSTNAME: solr6 ALFRESCO_HOSTNAME: alfresco ALFRESCO_COMMS: none CROSS_LOCALE: "true" mem_limit: 2688m environment: #Solr needs to know how to register itself with Alfresco SOLR_ALFRESCO_HOST: "alfresco" SOLR_ALFRESCO_PORT: "8080" #Alfresco needs to know how to call solr SOLR_SOLR_HOST: "solr6" SOLR_SOLR_PORT: "8983" #Create the default alfresco and archive cores SOLR_CREATE_ALFRESCO_DEFAULTS: "alfresco,archive" SOLR_JAVA_MEM: "-Xms2432m -Xmx2432m" SOLR_OPTS: " -XX:NewSize=1088m -XX:MaxNewSize=1088m " volumes: - ./data/solr-data:/opt/alfresco-search-services/data share: build: context: ./share args: SHARE_TAG: ${SHARE_TAG} mem_limit: 1344m environment: REPO_HOST: "alfresco" REPO_PORT: "8080" JAVA_OPTS: " -Xms1216m -Xmx1216m -Dalfresco.context=alfresco -Dalfresco.protocol=http " volumes: - ./logs/share:/usr/local/tomcat/logs postgres: image: postgres:${POSTGRES_TAG} mem_limit: 1344m environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=alfresco - POSTGRES_USER=alfresco - POSTGRES_DB=alfresco command: " postgres -c max_connections=200 -c logging_collector=on -c log_min_messages=LOG -c log_directory=/var/log/postgresql" ports: - 5432:5432 volumes: - ./data/postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ./logs/postgres:/var/log/postgresql content-app: image: alfresco/alfresco-content-app:${ACA_TAG} mem_limit: 256m depends_on: - alfresco # HTTP proxy to provide HTTP Default port access to services # SOLR API and SOLR Web Console are protected to avoid unauthenticated access proxy: image: nginx:stable-alpine mem_limit: 128m depends_on: - alfresco - solr6 - share - content-app volumes: - ./config/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ./config/nginx.htpasswd:/etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.htpasswd - ./config/cert/xxxx.cert.pem:/etc/nginx/xxxx.cert.pem - ./config/cert/xxxx.key.pem:/etc/nginx/xxxx.key.pem ports: - 443:443 smtp: image: mwader/postfix-relay mem_limit: 128m ocrmypdf: build: ./ocrmypdf mem_limit: 512m hostname: ocrmypdf volumes: - ./data/ocr/input:/ocr_input - ./data/ocr/output:/ocr_output
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