03-02-2021 02:08 PM
I am getting flagged by security software saying that it has detected username information in http traffic when Alfresco Share folders are accessed by users. Is there a way I can fix this problem in Share?
03-03-2021 07:13 AM
To be fair, I think this is more a problem with overly aggressive / protective security software. When a user browses through folders in Share, the UI may need to load / save preferences (e.g. list mode, sort order, favorites) for the user. It does this by calling a backend API which needs to contain the identity of the user for which preferences are to be handled - technically, the same API can be used by admins to access / change preferences of other users, so the URL is right to include the user name.
There is no way to "fix" this in Share - you would have to patch both the backend API and any of the user interface components relying on it to change its behaviour, e.g. rely only on the currently authenticated user and prevent the caller from ever specifying a specific / other user for which to handle preferences.
03-05-2021 03:01 PM
Thanks for your reply! Is there a patch? Or do you mean we would have to find a way to patch it ourselves?
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