04-13-2021 06:45 AM
I'm learn to use ADF components and now I'm tring to paginate a data table, this is my html angular code.
The pagination don't appear on browser, in the html code I have an empty pagination div.
<adf-datatable [data]="data" #personList> <data-columns> <data-column key="id" title="id" [sortable]="false"> </data-column> <data-column key="firstName" title="Nome" [sortable]="true"> </data-column> <data-column key="lastName" title="Cognome" [sortable]="true"> </data-column> </data-columns> </adf-datatable> <adf-pagination [pagination]="pagination" [target]="personList" [supportedPageSizes]="sizes" (changePageNumber)="onChangePageNumber($event)"></adf-pagination>
04-14-2021 07:25 AM
Hi @danny36
Without attempting pagination, does this datatable populate & display data as expected?
04-14-2021 08:50 AM
Yes the datatable display the data. If I use adf-document-list component the pagination works.
02-22-2022 12:16 PM
someone can help me to add pagination component to datatable? thanks.
02-23-2022 09:41 AM
I have add <adf-pagination> to html file but I got this erro:
Type 'DataTableComponent' is missing the following properties from type 'PaginatedComponent': pagination, updatePagination
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