How to retrieve details from database?
Im new here in alfresco and i don't know how to start my project it's all about getting the details from the database. How to access the database??Please help thanks
Im new here in alfresco and i don't know how to start my project it's all about getting the details from the database. How to access the database??Please help thanks
Hi,I have installed AC-5.2 with port 8090.Getting error after deploying jars of repo and share in module in alfresco community 5.2 version.After restarting alfresco server showing error like: 2018-01-05 15:41:59,530 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteC...
Hi there,I'm currently working on a project that uses Activiti to trigger external systems and then waits for a response from that system in the form of a JMS message. I have a Java Service task that is responsible for calling the external service an...
Hello, I have migrated from version 5.22 to version 6.0, before I could see my processes with "activiti-explorer.war", I understand that in version 6.0 I must use "activiti-app.war". Why can not I see my processes there and can not log in with a user...
Hi community,we have integrated activity framework in my product version (Activiti - 5.15.1).Only one service task is executed if two service task is connected as a output of parallel gateway, and found below error. here i have attached image of my w...
I have a simple program that can create folders when users are linked to other users. I am at a point where when I tried renaming the profile(firstName/lastName/middleName) of the user with the multiple folders with the same name as his profile/accou...
Newbie question: I'm using version of Aflresco Community - 5.2.0 (r135134-b14) I'm custmizing page of the document-details. I could implement adding the category at the time of registration by adding the aspect.However, I want to automatically add it...
Newbie question: I'm using version of Aflresco Community - 5.2.0 (r135134-b14) I'm custmizing page of the document-details.I want to be able to make a switch between the previous document and the next document on the detail screen.I know the list scr...
Salve a tutti, sono nuovo del forum!Grazie per la collaborazione. Ho scaricato l'ultima versione di Alfresco ECM e sto approcciando con le Restful Api.Lavorando con i tags, ho scoperto la funzione (Add and remove tags to nodes) lanciata con il metodo...
Hello. I have a collection of clinical trials organized into differnt case files. Each case files have a different or unique folder structure that is described in a xml file specific for that case. I am using the latest Alfresco Community Edition 201...
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