01-11-2018 04:58 AM
I am using activiti in my spring web application. I am getting this error.
org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Could not update Activiti database schema: unknown version from database: ''
Please let me know how to solve this?
01-12-2018 04:18 AM
I'm guessing you're trying to run the latest development code for v6? Or have done so and are now trying to use a released version against the same database? I ask because that version is in the 6.x branch Activiti/DbSqlSession.java at 6.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub but not the released v6 branch Activiti/DbSqlSession.java at activiti-6.0.0 · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub. Or maybe you are working from released artefacts but have at some point switched version? You should be able to check which version your database thinks it is using the query at
01-14-2018 10:00 AM
Please check your Activiti Engine Version i assume it is less than 6.if you have downloaded latest version of activiti update that in your POM(if you are using Mavan)
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