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Move alf_data from one server to another server

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


I am working with alfresco community 5.2. I have installed alfresco on a linux server and now its almost full. I need to move the alfresco database to another server. I have test it using another location of the same server & it works perfectly. But using that way i can't move database to another server.
I did it by,
1.   Stop alfresco 
2.   Copy the alf_data folder into new server.
3.   change the dir.root into dir.root =
4.   Start alfresco

After this alfresco not worked. 
I need to know how to do this. Please help me...

Thank you.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Hi  anuradha madhushani,

You are moving only alf_data to another server but not your database, without the old database new instance won't work.

Ideally, to migrate Alfresco you should take the backup of the followings

1. Alfresco database

2. alf_data

3. indexes

4. customization and configurations you have made

You can use Alfresco Backup Script for Linux Instance Alfresco support | ContCentric for Alfresco backup.

You can then restore the backup into new Alfresco instance.

Please let me know if you have a further query.




i am getting this error after running this script checked i have given correct credentials as per your script

can you please help me 

./ line 23: $/opt/alfresco-community: No such file or directory
[09-20-2018-13-32-39]Postgresql Database Server is not running, aborting alfresco backup

thanks and regards

Vikas Mannur

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

If you are running out of space, it's most likely, that you want to move your content store.

Below alf_data there are two subdirectories (in standard config) called
contentstore  (= the place where all your documents are)
contentstore.deleted (= the place where all documents are that are deleted and not referenced any more - you can safely delete the files below contentstore.deleted if you don't want to restore form a backup right now)

If you are familiar with Linux, you can copy/move your documents to another location and link these directories to another disk or use them as mount points for a NFS share...

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I have already done it using NFS share. But i have another problem. I need to move only old content to another location. for example i need to move content created in last year to another location. Is there any way to achieve this?

Thank you.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Alfresco splits up the documentpaths  by date. So the subdirectories of "contentstore" are the years when your documents were created (for example contentstore/2017/...). You can link these "year-folders" to another disk or create a mountpoint for 2017. New documents will be stored under the actual year and old documents won't change their storage-path (until you delete them from the alfresco trash-bin, then they will be "purged" to contentstore.deleted after some time).

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Ok. But how alfresco identify that 2017 folder has been moved to another server?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

You can handle this on the os side - Alfresco doesn’t need to know it. It looks like a local filesystem for alfresco