08-13-2018 09:03 AM
I have create one job which is creating folder structure with inheritance permission false.
Now if i am searching with lucene query from other user who do not have permission on folder, lucene return result with all node even if do not have permission.
I am using Java to search node where loggein user has permission.
Description File:
<format default="json"></format>
Java :
StoreRef storeRef = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE, "SpacesStore");
String query = "PATH:\"//app:company_home/app:dictionary/cm:" + Constants.FOLDER_COUNTRY+ "/cm:"+ Constants.FOLDER_CITY + "/*\" AND TYPE:\"cm:folder\"";
ResultSet rs = searchService.query(storeRef, SearchService.LANGUAGE_LUCENE, query);
08-14-2018 04:00 AM
08-15-2018 02:29 AM
It's Resolved.Issue with SearchService.
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