04-27-2017 06:03 AM
Hello, I have an issue working with Custom Content types in Alfresco (it's the tutorial available on ECM Architect ) but when I launch the content-repo (with mvn intergration-test -Pamp-to-war or the run.bat) or the content-tutorial-share the localhost:8080 gives nothing
When I generate a simple project and don't change anything with mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=org.alfresco: the server launches and I have the basic Alfresco page at localhost:8080/alfresco
But I made few changes as said in the tutorial and I also added these lines in my pom.xml because I got an error (you will find all the details here) :
<testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore> (when I comment this line I get a build failed because of test that didn't went well)
With this the build is successful but nothing happens (you will have a detail of the build messages here)
If anyone knows how I should solve this issue or where I should find the solution I'd appreciate very much !
04-27-2017 09:14 AM
You didn't say what archetypes you used when creating the projects.
If you used the AIO, then both alfresco and share will be available in port 8080.
But if you used the repo for alfresco and share for share, then alfresco will be using the port 8080, but share will be in port 8081, as maven will start a tomcat instance for each project.
Give us more details in order to be able to help you.
04-27-2017 10:09 AM
I used the repo for Alfresco and share for share. And yes normally I should be able to have Alfresco on port 8080 and share on 8081
I created my Alfresco repo project using
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=org.alfresco:
Then i created a custom content model XML file named
scModel.xml file which I put in ..\content-tutorial-repo\src\main\amp\config\alfresco\module\content-tutorial-repo\modelas said there
Then I added this code to service-context.xml
<!‐‐ Registration of new models ‐‐>
<bean id="${project.artifactId}_dictionaryBootstrap" parent="dictionaryModelBootstrap" depends‐on="dictionaryBootstrap">
<property name="models">
Then I tried to install but got errors i solved adding some code to my pom.xml as detailed here and up there
04-27-2017 10:34 AM
I don´t know if you noticed, but that tutorial got updated to use the new SDK 3.0.
I think the problem is you are mixing some commands that were used for 2.2.0, but that are different now.
What I recommend is that you try again, following all the steps, as something must be different.
04-28-2017 03:46 AM
Ok yes i didn't see that... I actually saved the page as PDF and it was just before it got updated... Great... aha
But thank you !
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