01-19-2022 10:57 AM
Hello there,
would it be possible to link/relate audit log entries of the db (alf_audit_entry) with the corresponding node of the "alf_node" table? Is there any information available in the db which could be used?
01-20-2022 07:30 PM
The audit entry is a map with complex key representing the audit data. An example could be like this
/alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createStore/args/protocol = "workspace" /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createStore/args/identifier = "SpacesStore" /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createStore/result = StoreRef[workspace://SpacesStore]
So,Ithink No directly in db.
01-23-2022 11:45 AM
Hey @kaynezhang
since I'm dependent on using the database I tried to find an approach to gather the audit log data from the db.
One approach I found (https://www.slideshare.net/konok/alfresco-devcon-2019-how-to-track-user-activities-without-using-the...) was this:
entry.id as Id,
entry.audit_time as Time,
user_string.string_value as User,
act_string.string_value as Application,
sv.string_value as Value
FROM alf_audit_entry as entry
JOIN alf_prop_value user_prop ON (entry.audit_user_id = user_prop.id)
JOIN alf_prop_string_value user_string ON ((user_prop.persisted_type = 3 OR user_prop.persisted_type = 5) AND user_prop.long_value = user_string.id)
JOIN alf_audit_app app ON (entry.audit_app_id = app.id)
JOIN alf_prop_value act ON (app.app_name_id = act.id)
JOIN alf_prop_link pl ON (pl.root_prop_id = entry.audit_values_id)
JOIN alf_prop_value pv on (pl.value_prop_id = pv.id)
JOIN alf_prop_string_value act_string ON (act_string.id in (SELECT ALF_PROP_STRING_VALUE.id FROM ALF_PROP_STRING_VALUE WHERE string_value like '%/alfresco-access/%'))
LEFT JOIN alf_prop_string_value sv on (sv.id = pv.long_value and (pv.persisted_type = 3 OR pv.persisted_type = 5))
WHERE sv.string_value IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY entry.audit_time;
However this does not contain the nodeIds or nodeUuids.
Is there any way to also get those?
kind regards
01-27-2022 04:51 AM
Hello @kaynezhang,
do you think it is possible to get the path (e.g.: "app:company_home/st:sites/cm:newsite/cm:discussions/post-1682415105354_6934/") of any given node by id or uuid?
I need to relate audit log entries to nodes.
So id, uuid or noderef would be alright. Then I could resolve my issue.
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