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Is Alfresco 6.x on Docker production ready?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hello everybody, I have been running Alfresco Community 201707GA (that should correspond to Alfresco Enterprise 5.2) since a few years.

Now I am investigating about newer releases of Alfresco and how to upgrade my 5.2 to those newer versions. As far as I can see, now Alfresco Community is mainly distributed as a Docker Compose package, but it is still possible to install all components "manually" and avoid using Docker. Certainly the old Alfresco installer is not available anymore (unfortunate choice if I may, it was very convenient to use!).

My question is: is anybody using Alfresco on Docker in a production environment? Or is it better to use a "normally" installed Tomcat, Postgres, etc...?

Documentation is not very clear, it looked to me that Docker distribution of Alfresco is meant for testing purposes...


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


since the quesiton of the original post was'nt claryfied by the answers of this thread, I ask it again: Is the use of docker-compose to operate Alfresco in a production environment recomended? Yes or No? If no, why?

Regarding the official Alfresco documentation, it is a clear No. But the reason ist not very detailied ("Due to the limited capabilities of Docker Compose,..."). See link below. 

I operate three Alfresco server which I installed with the docker-compose script provided by  Works flawlessly.


In my opionion this is a great installer (like the old days when we had a proper installer script to install Alfresco), So, question is, is this docker installer also ment to be used only for test/dev purposes?

Would be nice, if someone from Alresco could be clarify this question. Thank you.

Best regards, Matthias

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making


i second you and also think that this should be clarified

Docker Compose deploymen can be used for prod environments when using Community version. But I guess the usage with Enterprise is discouraged.

Hyland Developer Evangelist

Hi Angel,

Thank you very much to clarify this question. Btw, your script helped me a lot to install containerized Alfresco community 6.2 as well as get a baisc understanding how docker and docker-compose works.

All the best, Matthias