03-28-2017 03:03 AM
How can I integrate alfresco with eclipse?
Can anyone send me prescribed set of steps?
03-28-2017 05:18 AM
Step 1: Create Maven project for Alfresco
Step 2: Import Maven project into Eclipse
Step 2+X: Do whatever is necessary for your custom development requirements that you have not mentioned in your question
03-28-2017 06:38 AM
Actually I am trying to achieve Alfresco on Eclipse and I have completed all the required steps mentioned in the tutorials " [Tutorial] Install Alfresco into Eclipse " and " http://docs.alfresco.com/5.0/concepts/dev-for-developers.html " .
But now I am stuck in this step: "Click Browse and select the HEAD\root\projects directory."
While performing this I am getting an error that "No projects are found".
What to do now?
03-28-2017 06:58 AM
You usually do not need to checkout Alfresco so you can simply skip this step. Also, the tutorial you have linked is extremely old (2008) - I always advise people to look at the post they are finding via Google before using them as a reference.
03-28-2017 07:14 AM
I have skipped this step, but now I am stuck in the next step. Should I try to integrate alfresco with using MAVEN?
03-28-2017 07:28 AM
maybe a little bit outdated (you surely have to adapt the versions), but helped me a lot in 2014:
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