02-15-2024 12:17 PM
I'm creating a new workflow and in a userTask I'm using activiti:taskListener to invoke MyCustomClass
<!-- begin -->
<userTask id="STEPID" name="STEPNAME" activiti:candidateGroups="MY_GROUP" activiti:formKey="tw:formKEY" >
<!-- some valid work here -->
<activiti:taskListener event="create" class="myPackage.MyClass">
<activiti:field name="myBean" expression="${myBeanId}">
<!-- end --->
and in .MyClass I've declared a property (onther bean )
<!-- begin -->
public class MyClass implmentes TaskListner{
private Expression myBean
public void notify(DelegateTask arg0) {
MyBean mb = (MyBean) myBean.getValue(arg0);
<!-- begin -->
and i've declared my bean in service-context.xml like these
<bean id="myBeanId" class="onther.package.MyBean" >
and i'm using AIO archetype
and when i invoke CreatStep i have the follwing error:
Exception while invoking TaskListener: Unknown property used in expression: ${myBeanId}
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