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Implement Angular 2 in Alfresco one 5.1.1 Enterprise Edition

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi, I want to integrate Angular2 in Alfresco Enterprise Edition 5.1.1 on Alfresco Custom Share Page and also make some search components, but I didn't get any solution for the same. So, if anyone has even a small little bit hint or solution then please share with me.


            id: "DEMO_SIMPLE_MSG",
            name: 'alfresco/experimental/ng2/Bootstrap',
            config: {
                main: 'blog/main.ts',
                templateString: '<my-app>Loading...</my-app>'


In this code of js , 'alfresco/experimental/ng2/Bootstrap' this line will bootstrap the Angular 2 components, and I don't have used Angular CLI, so I don't have much knowledge of it and also don't know how to use it implement it in alfresco page.


I have imported Ng2AutoCompleteModule component in my main.ts file and write the logic of it in component.ts file but no auto complete box is coming.




I have followed this example, but when I have written same code in main.ts and component.ts present in this link, then it will show errors, you can see that errors in error.jpg image.