04-11-2017 06:01 AM
I've done all the tutorial forCreating your first application with ADF but I'm stuck in theRunning and using the application I've created and genereated the application but I can't log on.
I've tested admin/admin (which I use to log on all Alfresco ECM), admin@app.activiti.com/admin (which I use to log on Process Services)
I can log on all the Alfresco services, such as share, api-explorer, activiti etc
Moreover when I generate an app from the github repository demos like the datatable for instance,Files from the ng2-component datatable demo
It doesn't give me anything when I start it just a blank page at localhost:63621
I sincerely hope that anyone can help to resolve those issues which I believe may be linked.
P.S : besides that, everything works properly, the Share webapp works perfectly(I can log in with the users I created in it), even BPM (Activiti) that i wanted to try.
04-18-2017 03:47 AM
Ok, well nothing happens in the network section when I try to login (I just have the console errors shown before). However when I reload the page I get all of this (if it can help) :
04-18-2017 12:08 PM
Hi Jack,
you should login and search for :
04-19-2017 03:54 AM
Ok so I get this :
:"03190008 L'opération n'est pas prise en charge","stackTrace":"Pour des raisons de sécurité,
le traçage de la pile n'est plus affiché, mais la propriété est conservée dans les versions
Saying that the "The operation is not supported" and "For safety reasons, the stack tracing is no longer displayed, but the property is retained in the former versions."
04-19-2017 04:40 AM
There we go this is the error it says 405 probably could be a CORS problem because your FE and BE are not on the same domain.Try to follow the procedure in this link :
alfresco-ng2-components/ALFRESCOCORS.md at master · Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components · GitHub
04-19-2017 07:42 AM
I actually did that from the very beginning but after many researches I thought it was the cors that I didn't set up well so I did follow this tutorial and allow them with the .jar and manually but, unfortunately, it didn't change anything...
Besides, when I go there : http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/ I get a 404 error :
{"error":{"errorKey":"framework.exception.EntityNotFound","statusCode":404,"briefSummary":"03190003 The entity associated with the id : is not found","stackTrace":"For safety reasons, the stack tracing is no longer displayed, but the property is retained in the former versions.","descriptionURL":"https://api-explorer.alfresco.com"}}
At localhost:8080/alfresco/api/ I get :
When I try to log on the ADF I still get these errors about polyfills :
Failed to execute 'open' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Invalid URL at eval (eval at <anonymous> (http://localhost:3000/polyfills.js:2649:2), <anonymous>:1395:27) at XMLHttpRequest.open
04-19-2017 12:30 PM
I see that you probably have more than one error could you join to the gitter channel in order to do a more rapid debug Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components - Gitter thanks
04-20-2017 04:01 AM
Ok, again, thank you for your help !
04-20-2017 05:38 AM
In the end we figure out that the setting for CORS and Process service and Content service URL were wrong.
The http prefix was missing in order to avoid this kind of problem inthe feature a validation in the settings will be added. [ADF-498] URL validation for ADF settings - Alfresco JIRA
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