02-08-2017 07:55 AM
I have been trying using maximum-file-upload but with 4.2.f does not work. This change requires a code change and being new with Alfresco I do not know where to start.
02-08-2017 12:45 PM
Hi, thanks for your question but you would be better asking this in the ECM space as this forum concerns the Angular2-based Alfresco Developer Framework which it does not sound like you are using?
When you ask your question there, I would suggest to include some information on what you mean by 'maximum-file-upload' as it is not clear to me if this is an existing add-on or simply the feature you are trying to implement.
In any case, in order for others to help you it would be helpful if you could post some details of what learning/experimentation you have done already, which will give people a starting point to suggest a direction for you to go in from there. I would expect that you have been through the official Developer Guide at least, if you start from the beginning then that should give you a good introduction.
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