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How to set different Task Description of same task in different groups ?

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Star Contributor

Hi everyone, I have one task to review the document. When I start the workflow, I need to send that task to two different groups as below..

  1. Reviewer Group (which has only one member who is main reviewer)
  2. Backup Reviewer Group (which has 4 members who are considered as backup reviewer)

I need to send my task to both this group and I want different description in both the groups something like this..

  1. For Reviewer Group description should be something like this "Hi Reviewer, Please review this document"
  2. For Backup Reviewer Group description should be something like this "Kindly wait for the instruction to pull the task to review document"

Here, I am able to send the task to both the groups, but not able set two different description. Kindly guide me to solve this issue.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Did you try using a process variable to display the description?

Shouldn't you use two different tasks? One for Reviewer Group and another for Backup Reviewer Group?

Hi Bassam Al-Sarori‌, Thanks for the response !

Yes, I tried using process variable to set the description by task.description, but it sets description task wise, here I'm sending the same task to both the groups, so it displays same description in both.

Two different task approach seems hard to get the solution, as, when primary reviewer from Reviewer Group will do the task, the task should be gone from both the groups, Reviewer Group as well as Backup Reviewer Group. If two different tasks will be used, then even if primary reviewer from the Reviewer Group will review the task, Backup Reviewer Group will also has to perform the other task assigned to them.

Can you suggest some alternative approach to do the same ?


So both groups are candidates of the same task?

According to my approach towards the solution, I guess, Yes, both groups are candidates of the same task, as of now.

When are the Backup group reviewers allowed to pull the task? Is it time boxed like a day or two? If so then you might attach a boundary timer event to the task. When time is up the task could be updated (both description and candidates can be updated i.e. add Backup group reviewers only when time is up).

In majority of the cases primary reviewer from Reviewer Group will perform the review task, if primary reviewer is not available then Backup Reviewer Group will be manually informed ( e.g. For the next four days Primary Reviewer is not available so You (Backup Reviewer Group) need to perform review task ) to pull the task.

So, I have created two parallel usertasks, one for Reviewer Group and another for Backup Reviewer Group with different task description. I'm trying to use boundary event to cancel the one task by fetching the current time on the complete listener of other task and passing the process variable which stores that time (in ISO format) in the <timeDate> </timeDate>. But I'm constantly getting the error : "The Web Script /alfresco/s/api/workflow/activiti$publishWhitepaper/formprocessor has responded with a status of 405 - Method Not Allowed.". It is perfectly working when I pass static value inside <timeDate> </timeDate>.

Yash Patel wrote:

"The Web Script /alfresco/s/api/workflow/activiti$publishWhitepaper/formprocessor has responded with a status of 405 - Method Not Allowed."

So you are running the process inside ACS?

Did you try using time duration like


Which will trigger after 4 days of task creation.

Yes, I'm running the process inside ACS. BTW, I have got solution to my problem. Thanks for all the help Smiley Happy