04-24-2017 06:01 AM
I found that article that help to install RM on alfresco :
Installing Records Management AMP files | Alfresco Documentation
but it seems it's dedicated to alfresco entreprise
i run this scrpit :
java -jar bin\alfresco-mmt.jar install amps\alfresco-rm-community-repo-2.4.b.amp tomcat\webapps\alfresco.war
But it show this error message : Java is not recognized as an internal command
i search for this file
in the java\bin and i didn't find it, and i think this is not normal
PS : I have installed Alfresco version of 201605 ( old version ) to run the RM on it
What do you think of this?
04-24-2017 08:20 AM
The file is located in the alfresco/bin directory. The line you have tried is supposed to be called from the .../alfresco directory (the install directory).
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