06-27-2017 12:52 AM
I want to query with tags and comments.
but I can't query with comments.
I thought If i create a same tag(with alfresco node) to comments. I could query with just tags.
So, I have tried create a tag to comments(give cm:taggable).
but, it does not work.
how to query with tags and comments?
06-27-2017 09:39 AM
I don't fully understand what and how - but I will try to point out where to get you the needed information.
Tag Search:
With any other simple property like 'comment' or description, you can simply do a fts query like this:
06-27-2017 12:40 PM
I learned in another discussion (answer from Axel Faust) that searching for comments does not work like searching for tags or metadata, because the comments are not part of the documents. You can search for them, but you will find a document-associated discussion and would have to resolve the association to get the according document.
A workaround is to store the content of the comments in a metadata field of the document (i.e. by behaviour)...
A Tag query works like Markus Joos described: TAG:mytag You can try it in the share search - but I think you already know that.
06-27-2017 01:10 PM
yes - sorry, I mistook comments for description!
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