11-02-2017 04:27 AM
I need to flag task when returned to the previous task
TASK01------------------>TASK02------------------------->TASK01 (This Task is returned task from task02)
And after coming to the same task it should be flagged
TASK01------------------>TASK02------------------------->TASK01------------------>TASK02 (This Task is resubitted)
11-06-2017 08:48 AM
You can model it in the BPMN, it is possible to loop back to a previous task.
11-07-2017 04:29 AM
Dear Joseph
how it works on activiti. do we need to modify the engine. basically in the user task pad i want to highlight the task as "RETURN" or "RESUBMIT", so that the user can immediately action
11-07-2017 08:42 AM
If you are using the form features in Activiti 6, I believe there is an option for you to configure outcomes which is basically buttons on a task form. If you are not using forms, you will need to manage those using process variables. While completing a task using Return/Resubmit button, you can then set the process variable accordingly and in the BPMN model you can use an exclusive gateway to conditionally route to the appropriate task
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