06-03-2017 02:36 AM
I want to implement a parallel review workflow same as the default parallel workflow in alfresco with selected users (Review and Approve one or more reviewers). is it possible to do the same with activity user task? if yes please advice how to configure the user task
06-04-2017 02:01 AM
Sorry guys. actually i need to do isSequential="false" for my requirment. this is cleared.
06-04-2017 01:20 AM
I had tried with sequential =true in task configuration. its working . but the issue am facing is tasks not showing as parallel workflow tasks. its taking one by one as per the selection of users. but in default alfresco workflow its showing as parallel. my task configuration is as given below
<userTask id="usertask2" name="Review by Assigned users" activiti:assignee="${reviewAssignee.properties.userName}" activiti:formKey="mywf:CommonForm">
<activiti:taskListener event="complete" class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.tasklistener.ScriptTaskListener">
<activiti:field name="script">
<activiti:string>execution.setVariable('mywf_workflowtransition', task.getVariable('mywf_workflowtransition'));
task.setVariable('bpm_outcome', task.getVariable('mywf_workflowtransition'));
<activiti:taskListener event="complete" class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.tasklistener.ScriptTaskListener">
<activiti:field name="script">
<activiti:string>if(task.getVariableLocal('mywf_workflowtransition') == 'Approved') {
var newApprovedCount = mywf_approveCount + 1;
execution.setVariable('mywf_approveCount', newApprovedCount);
var newReviewedCount = mywf_reviewCount + 1;
execution.setVariable('mywf_reviewCount', newReviewedCount);</activiti:string>
<multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="true" activiti:collection="mywf_notify_user" activiti:elementVariable="reviewAssignee">
<completionCondition>${mywf_reviewCount == mywf_totuser}</completionCondition>
06-04-2017 02:01 AM
Sorry guys. actually i need to do isSequential="false" for my requirment. this is cleared.
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