04-18-2017 08:01 AM
I'm working on a workflow project with activiti and i want to create a BPMN model from java without using activiti tools. for example i have 2 tasks in a model after some operation i want to update that model and add other tasks so i need to generate that from code but i can't figure that out any help ?
04-18-2017 08:55 AM
Check if this is of any help: GitHub - frederikheremans/activiti-dynamic-process: Activiti dynamic process example
This example is building a process model via Java code.
04-18-2017 08:55 AM
Check if this is of any help: GitHub - frederikheremans/activiti-dynamic-process: Activiti dynamic process example
This example is building a process model via Java code.
04-18-2017 10:02 AM
04-19-2017 07:37 AM
Hey again , is there any helpful doc where i can find how to create object such as ExclusiveGateway , EndEvent ... using java
11-09-2018 12:30 AM
Very helpful example,
Is there any example doc for Add TaskListener to UserTask..?
This is my code and it has run time errors
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
UserTask userTask = new UserTask(); ActivitiListener activitiListener = new ActivitiListener(); activitiListener.setEvent( TaskListener.EVENTNAME_COMPLETE ); activitiListener.setImplementation( ImplementationType.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_CLASS ); activitiListener.setImplementation( "<my_package>.TestTaskListener" ); userTask.getTaskListeners().add( activitiListener );
And Error
org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Errors while parsing:
[Validation set: 'activiti-executable-process' | Problem: 'activiti-usertask-listener-implementation-missing'] : Element 'class' or 'expression' is mandatory on executionListener - [Extra info : processDefinitionId = my-process | processDefinitionName = my dynamic process | | id = task1 | | activityName = First task | ] ( line: 6, column: 74)
Any one familiar with this, Please help
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