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How to connect postresql database in allinone projects

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I have configured 'allinone' projects in my system but i don't have alfresco community installed in my system.I believe the project will get connect to tomcat runner internally and by default it will be connected to H2 database.but if i want to connect to other databases such as postresql,mysql etc, where i can define the connection properties. As i am aware of that if we install alfresco community, by default we can configure database in file, but i want to create the project independently for development purpose, ie.  no need to install alfresco, so where will i configure the database connections ? if i need the alfresco-global file to be added where i have to place the file?

Please guide me to understand on that. Thanks in Advance


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

It depends on which alfresco SDK you are using.

If your SDK is below 3.0.0 than

  • You need to make changes in to change the db confiuration like db.port,dbusername etc.
  • You need to grabe driver as well from maven  central repository and include it in pom file.

If your SDK is above 3.0.0 than

  •   You can simply change configuration in with the db configuration which i mentioned above.
  • You need to change properties in POM file. like making maven.alfresco.enableH2 as false and making maven.alfresco.enablePostgres as true

Hi Krutik,

I am using SDK 2.2.0 Allinone alfresco project,as per your point, where i can find the alfresco global properties file ? if i am correct, this is the path where alfresco-global.proprties file located


and how to grab driver and include it in pom?can you guide me on that?

You should not update anything inside target folder.I think below should be location of the file


I updated the file with postgres db connection properties, but still getting error and while compiling it shows db connected to H2 database.

if i am correct,normally the file located in tomcat/shared/classes folder, which will overrides the properties given in project and execute it, but in my case alfresco community is not running, so where i can define the database connection properties?Any suggestion would be appreciated.