03-22-2018 01:32 AM
Hello guys,
I want to know how to disable the "Edit in Microsoft Office" option. This option shouldn't come when I opened any doc/docx files.
[It shouldn't connect or redirect to any other links when i clicked on this option. This is what I wanted].
Please help me out guys.
Thanks in advance,
03-22-2018 05:14 AM
"Edit in Mircrosoft Office" feature comes from 'alfresco.aos.module' amp.
If you do not want "Edit in Microsoft Office" option at all then you should uninstall
this amp.
03-26-2018 01:51 AM
I'm not able to remove the "Edit in Microsoft Office" option.. The other options are getting disabled If i remove the 'alfresco.aos.module' from amp.. share me more descriptively. I'm new to Alfresco.
03-23-2018 04:04 AM
Also, you also may configure evaluator.doclib.action.disableAction for the commented action in DocLibActions section for share-config-custom.xml
Regarding uninstalling the amp, take into consideration that AOS involves more stuff, like ./vti_bin.war for example.
03-26-2018 02:06 AM
Can you tell step-by-step.. i want to remove only that option.
Thanks in advance,
04-24-2018 09:48 AM
Cristina MR Douglas C. R. Paes como eu posso fazer isso: evaluator.doclib.action.disableAction?
04-28-2018 04:31 PM
Boa tarde.
Você precisa fazer o mesmo que foi explicado aqui, https://community.alfresco.com/thread/213114-how-to-disable-download-document-action-on-alfresco-50d...
A única diferença será o ID da ação, onde você deverá usar a da edição com o Office.
06-04-2018 07:34 AM
Like Douglas linked this is what you must do for disable the acion "Edit in Microsoft Office"
In the "/<JAVA_PROJECT_SHARE_AMP>/src/main/resources/META-INF/share-config-custom.xml" add this piece of code:
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">
<action id="document-edit-online-aos" type="link" label="actions.document.edit-online-aos">
where evaluator.doclib.action.disableAction is bean setted on the file of your java project "/<JAVA_PROJECT_SHARE_AMP>/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/<MODULE_NAME>-slingshot-application-context.xml":
<bean id="evaluator.doclib.action.disableAction" class="it.abd.alfresco.evaluator.DisableActionEvaluator">
and on the file java "/<JAVA_PROJECT_SHARE_AMP>/src/main/java/it/abd/alfresco/evaluator/DisableActionEvaluator.java" like these:
package it.abd.alfresco.evaluator;
import org.alfresco.web.evaluator.BaseEvaluator;
public class DisableActionEvaluator extends BaseEvaluator {
public boolean evaluate(org.json.simple.JSONObject jsonObject) {
return false;
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