07-09-2017 09:33 AM
i get the code https://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD/here,and make http://localhost:8080/alfresco run, but there is no "share" part, so how can i install alfresco-share-services ,so that the "share" part can get visible in the menu. the is question one .
another question ,i get share code https://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/web-apps/Share/,if question one is solved, how can i hold platform and share together ? just run "share" code on another server ?
if there is any document, tell me please .thank you!
07-10-2017 03:29 PM
As Jan said, you do not need to build the Share Services AMP. It is available from https://artifacts.alfresco.com as a pre-built AMP.
"How to deploy to alfresco.war?" - Well, either use the Alfresco SDK as Jan suggested or use the alfresco-mmt.jar tool to install it manually. See the Alfresco documentation for details on installing an Alfresco Module Package.
07-10-2017 07:05 AM
Do you really want to re-build from source ?
You may find it easier to use the Alfresco SDK initially, depending on what you're trying to do ...
Alfresco SDK 3.0 | Alfresco Documentation
Otherwise, in answer to your question... you can run Share (share.war) & the Content Services Repository (alfresco.war) in separate Tomcat instances (or you can run in a single instance). Either way, you would also need to build the "Share Services" AMP (extension) and deploy to your "alfresco.war". The trunk code is here:
alfresco-open-mirror - Revision 137931: /web-apps/Share/trunk/share-services
However, in most cases you may wish to run a well-known tagged version of Share + Share Services AMP, for example:
alfresco-open-mirror - Revision 137931: /web-apps/Share/tags/5.2.e
alfresco-open-mirror - Revision 137931: /web-apps/Share/tags/5.2.e/share-services
07-10-2017 09:21 AM
thanks for your help, but the key problem is " how to build the "Share Services" AMP (extension) and deploy to "alfresco.war"." ?
07-10-2017 03:29 PM
As Jan said, you do not need to build the Share Services AMP. It is available from https://artifacts.alfresco.com as a pre-built AMP.
"How to deploy to alfresco.war?" - Well, either use the Alfresco SDK as Jan suggested or use the alfresco-mmt.jar tool to install it manually. See the Alfresco documentation for details on installing an Alfresco Module Package.
07-11-2017 10:45 AM
you are really so nice, thanks for your answer. i have the last quesiton, with the share.war(https://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/web-apps/Share/). where can i use mysql db,such as alfresco.war can be configured in the alfresco-global.properties ?
07-12-2017 09:34 AM
07-12-2017 09:37 AM
If you take a look at the architecture documentation, you should see that Share does not need a database.
07-12-2017 11:30 AM
thanks a lot.
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