09-28-2017 04:51 AM
Hello, how can I associate a unique identifier, an object, and a date to a file in a folder when I create or load it in a folder? Thanks in advance
09-29-2017 07:40 PM
10-05-2017 06:53 AM
First of all, I want to thank you for the timeliness of your answers. I had a meeting with my manager and only now I understand what he wants, I've created several sites in the Share that refer to our offices and different figures of our organization, very small, and thanks to rules and appropriate privileges taken files from a site to the other, then between different offices, now he wants to exploit this part already created to set up a sort of resolution management system, hence the same structure with the same moves, but the files created, later also those uploaded , they must have a particular template that contains an item, such as nr, which should be set up with a unique number generated by Alfresco, always within the template there will also be the items object, date and author entries. As I told you already, I know Alfresco recently and I only used the part share, I'm reading documents to understand something more but my manager does not want to give me time and he told me that if I do not find a solution in a short time I'll have to realize all in php, certainly a basic implementation, very simple, but to me would like to gain more knowledge of the above system. So at this point I think, I'll have to create a template, maybe create a rule on a folder so that when I create the file i will add the template and the univocal number to the document, generated through a script / app I will select in the generation of the rule, etc. Can you give me suggestions or examples that let me know how to work, that is, which system files to modify to see the changes in share, where to go to insert the created files, such as scripts and templates generated , etc, that is all that comes to mind . I realize that the question is exaggerated, but I need your help. Thank you
10-05-2017 12:57 PM
I think you should strongly consider using a custom app if time is of the essence, and if your requirements have more to do with managing data rather than collaborating on office documents. Customizing Share is difficult. It is not simply a matter of "editing system files" and then seeing the changes. You must first accept that you are working in a "document collaboration" interface that was built with several different frameworks and that you'll be limited in what you can do.
That's why it might be simpler to think of Alfresco as your "back-end for documents" and use a remote API like CMIS to work with it, then use a different back-end for data, then use PHP for server-side logic and your favorite front-end framework for the UI.
With that said, here are some resources that might help:
I am purposefully not mentioning the ADF here because it doesn't sound like it is a great fit for what you are trying to do, but, in case you are curious, start here.
This is an initial list of things that come to mind based on your very general requirements. As you get into it and you need help on more specific pieces do not hesitate to create a new thread describing the problem you are facing.
10-02-2017 02:31 PM
Douglas gave you one possibility for associating a unique identifier with a file in a folder. If you want to associate an object with the file, use an association. To store a date on a file, that's a custom property. You can extend the content model with your own aspect that defines a date property. You can then set the date property however you wish, such as through a folder rule, a script, or a lower-level mechanism, like a behavior.
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