06-02-2017 01:37 AM
I want to change the time of digest emails, I am getting on the daily basis. Right now the daily activities digest email goes out at Midnight. I want this be changed to 3 AM. kindly guide me with the same.
thank you in advance.
06-07-2017 01:04 PM
There is a solution.
Edit alfresco-global.properties
### E-mail site invitation setting ###
notification.email.siteinvite=true### CRON JOB send at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM ###
activities.feed.notifier.cronExpression=0 0 9,19 * * ?
Woks fine!
06-04-2017 06:55 PM
Hey Monica - Unfortunately, I can't change the exact time emails go out. Those are set by Jive (the platform). The only thing you can really chance is the frequency of your emails (avatar > preferences > inbox notifications).
06-07-2017 01:04 PM
There is a solution.
Edit alfresco-global.properties
### E-mail site invitation setting ###
notification.email.siteinvite=true### CRON JOB send at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM ###
activities.feed.notifier.cronExpression=0 0 9,19 * * ?
Woks fine!
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